The Eileen Fitzgerald
School of Speech & Drama
Here at The Eileen Fitzgerald School, various classes are on offer for pupils of all ages. Whether you're interested in expressing yourself through the arts or if you're looking to vastly improve your confidence and communication skills for an important presentation at work, Speech and Drama is an empowering discipline.
Learn more about Eileen Fitzgerald and her achievements as a teacher, mentor and advocate for the art of Speech and Drama over the years of her long, successful career. As an accredited teacher and mentor, so many students have been shaped by the power of Speech and Drama at the school of Eileen Fitzgerald. Read more about Eileen and what her students have to say by visiting our About page.
Browse our website to get a glimpse into what we do and we hope you join us in celebrating the art that is Speech and Drama. If you would like to keep up to date with all our latest news and updates, please follow us on our social media pages. You can follow us or get in touch by visiting our Contact page which has all of our contact information. We look forward to hearing from you!